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About FlyFizzi

Fly Fizzi started in 1989, originally with the name Flying Fizzios, which was evolved from the founder's jobs: flying and physiotherapy. It was originally conceived as a company whose physiotherapists would arrive by helicopter. This, however, was quickly seen to be uncompetitive and the company changed into a flying training company. The original training was type ratings on Tiger Moths, but this widened to involve basic training on small aircraft, and from 1990, helicopters. 

The first book produced by the company (still then called Flying Fizzios) was The Student's File by Anne Undergraduate, a comic cartoon books about university life. It reached the shelves in 1990. A few more books followed, all now out of print, and then in 1996 Nola the Elephant, a children's book, started a long run of production, the most recent one of which was Dear Best Mother in 2005.

Fly Fizzi Ltd became a limited company in 2004 and the same year it started producing Helicopter Life, a helicopter lifestyle magazine.

As well as publishing Fly Fizzi offers editing, design and graphic services, and full book production for private authors if required.